Crafts, potions, candles, artwork and more from all our favourite homo Jewish sweethearts like Dori Midnight, Sol Weiss, Batya Levine, Aly Halpert and many more queer/trans/JOC brilliant creators from south of the violent colonial construct called the border.
No more extremely expensive shipping fees or international mail headaches - just the beautiful ritual objects you've been waiting for!
This event is free and open to the public!
Access info:
- Masks required
- Wheelchair accessible (not the bathroom, sorry!)
- Wood-stove heated garage to keep cozy with plenty of ventilation for our COVID safety needs
- tinctures from @dorimidnight
- medicine from @moon.beam.dreams and @bsamim.apothecary
- beeswax candles from @advacandlechicago
- zines from @rena.yehuda and @queermikvehproject
- music and merch from @alhalpal and @basbaslev
- art from @sol_weiss_ and @eleheba
- planners from @dreamingtheworldtocome
- swag from @linkefligl
Poster by Liel Green