Upcoming stops

Coming up in December...
  • Northampton Hanukkah market
  • New Haven Hanukkah market
  • Toronto Hanukkah market

Want to be a vendor? Email info@pushcartjudaica.com



With a heavy heart I am announcing that this leg of the tour is postponed.

The violence in the lands of Palestine, Israel, al- Quds, and the Holy Land is not new. Yet this moment calls for mass action, arrests, mourning, phone banking, and grief circles. That is what I will be doing and what I want to make space for other Jews to do.

This project is one of celebration, and love of Jewish cultures across the Diaspora. And this moment calls for something else, for grief and outrage.

I am sending love and gratitude to all the artists, healers, and organizers who make my work possible. Hoping that we can meet again in a moment where joy is what is called for.